As Pastor has expressed already, we want to remind you to be very mindful about the types of questions that you ask during the Questions & Answers session this evening. We want to carefully demonstrate the love of God when we have a special guest with us at FBC!
To maintain the purpose of Shimon’s visit, please understand that there are some topics you should avoid both during the Q&A session and in private conversations with Shimon. Please do not discuss spiritual issues, political issues, and current/future world leadership. These topics are good discussions for our church family – but not for Shimon’s visit. It would be wise to avoid the possibility of embarrassment that these topics could cause.
Shimon desires to answer questions on topics such as geography, history, ancient Jewish culture, and the Bible stories. He is very knowledgeable in these areas. He is an experienced tour guide, not just in Israel, but around the world.
If you are ever unsure about a topic or question in a conversation with someone, a good practice is pray before you proceed. We need the Spirit of God to lead us so we can carefully demonstrate who HE IS to others.
Our time with Shimon Zemer this evening will be unique and not at all like our normal Wednesday meetings. In a very real sense, we are not gathering for “church” this evening. Please come, and with that understanding.
As with all things, God wants to use this in a special way! Let’s allow Him to do it.